Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lay the Groundwork for Book Promotion | Writing and Publishing News

Promoting a book is not a one-time event. It shouldn?t be considered an afterthought. It is a mindset that should be factored in early in the book writing/publishing process. In fact, as soon as you decide you are going to write a book, you should be planning your marketing program.

First begin establishing or adding to your platform?your reach and connections related to the topic, field or genre of your book. You need to develop a following?define, locate and connect with your readers. And do this early on. It can take years to establish recognition and reputation in any field or interest. What many new authors neglect to understand is that just because they wrote a book doesn?t mean people will clamor to buy it.

Think about it, we want to read books by authors we know. We buy novels by authors whose work we have read and enjoyed. We choose how-to and other nonfiction books on our perceived merit or reputation of the author. This is why it is so very important that your reputation precedes your book.

One way to build on your platform is to write articles or stories for your audience and get them published in the magazines, newsletters and websites they read. When your book is published and word reaches those who have enjoyed or learned from reading your articles or stories, they will be more apt to buy your book. The more articles or stories you have published and the more publications they appear in, the more potential readers will recognize your name. Think about it, how many people know about you now? How many would be interested enough or curious enough to purchase your book? If you do this one simple thing and start submitting articles or stories related to the genre/topic of your book now in five different publications that are circulated to a total of 3,000 people, you may have just added another 3,000 people to your list of potential customers.

Likewise, if you go out and start speaking to groups and conducting workshops before your book is a book, you will be adding tremendously to your platform. This is also a great opportunity to build on your mailing list. Never leave a speaking gig without circulating a sign-up sheet. You want to stay in contact with these people. You want to remind them from time to time of who you are, the books, services and other items you offer and the future programs you may be presenting.

These are just a few of the activities you can pursue before your book is a book in order to experience a much greater sales success rate when it is published. If you wait to start doing these things after your book is published, expect it to take more time to develop that following. I can tell you that book sales for an author without a platform, without a following, without a reputation in his or her field/interest/genre, will be sluggish. Most authors find this terribly disappointing. They find it next to impossible to get the results they hoped for when they do venture out to promote their book at a signing or a book festival, for example. And they soon quit promoting at all?rolling over in defeat.

Don?t let this happen to you. For more about how to more successfully navigate the highly competitive publishing field, be sure to read ?Publish Your Book, Proven Strategies and Resources for the Enterprising Author.?

For more about creating a marketing plan for your book, order ?Promote Your Book, Over 250 Proven, Low-Cost Tips and Techniques for the Enterprising Author.?

For the expertise you need in order to arrange for and effectively manage those speaking engagements, interviews, signings and so forth, order ?Talk Up Your Book, How to Sell Your Book Through Public Speaking, Interviews, Signings, Festivals, Conferences and More.?

All three books available at and most other online and downtown bookstores. Or order it here:

Announcement, ?Promote Your Book? and ?Talk Up Your Book? are both now available at in print, Kindle and audio.


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