Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Helaine Olen On Personal Finance Gurus - Business Insider

"What they're doing is they're denying the pressures that are on us. Our salaries have stagnated and fallen for well over a decade now. And what they're doing is saying, you're going to be fine if you're living within your means while they ignore the fact that our heath care costs have gone up at rates beyond inflation, housing has gone up at rates beyond inflation, education has gone up at rates beyond inflation."?

On why finance gurus have so much pull with consumers:?

"We're nuts when it comes to money and all we want is someone to tell us what to do. Most of us don't want to engage with our money even though we need it, and so the idea is, hey, I'll just follow this person and they'll tell me what to do. We also, in this country, have a huge attraction to this sort of tough thinking about money ?? where anybody can make it and it's your fault if you don't."?

Check out the full video here.?

SEE ALSO: 7 signs you might be living beyond your means >


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